Monday, January 5, 2009


Three new cell phone photos posted. The top was taken in a parking lot in New Jersey. Fitting, seeming as though New Jersey is completely filled with strip-malls, parking lots and gas stations. I think it's a pretty awesome picture, the sweet sunset sitting above the car terrain. The sky slightly reflecting off of all the cars.
I think the middle photo is great too. Mother & daughter.
The bottom photo was taken at a party. This shrine type thing was in the corner. The statue is of St. Francis. The party was thrown by some Mexican friends in a South Philly row-house. St. Francis is the patron saint in the village that they are from. Their were folding tables and a big DJ set-up also on the first floor, opposite this photo. Strobe lights and spinning colored lights hung from the ceiling. A very long sermon by one of the elder Mexicans occured which involved singing and a series of call & responses. I had 2 Negro Modelos in my hands at all times.
I think the color in these 3 photos go really well together and definitely collectively make a great cell phone set. Great for set number twenty-two.

1 comment:

FDBVS said...

hey rob. mario puzo remember