Monday, February 18, 2008


This is my second set of Cell Phone photographs. The top photo is a document of the very sweet & creative product stacking done at the supermarket near my house. It's located at 5th & Berks. I think the shown tower is a pure example of making the best out of your day job, really caring about your simple tasks and taking the time to make something slightly out of the ordinary & unneeded. The artist definitely cares about what he's doing.
The middle photo is my crew. I spend more time with these guys than just about anyone else. Colt 45's and a barrel fire at the warehouse. Weakarm, Ricky, Stiz, Boxcutter, H.
The bottom photo is Jake the Snake fixing a toilet. I was stuck in the stall with him & thought it a prime opportunity to catch him in this very uplifting position. I think this one has a very beautiful composition. It is very balanced & tells a pretty obvious story.

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